Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Firstly, before you do anything else, CHECK OUT THE TIMING AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS ENTRY!!! It says 2:29pm, how early is that man! Felt so weird today when I was going home, because the sun was still shining very brightly and stuff! No watching seniors play contact rugby, and no training today ): ): ):


Hahaha joke joke, I'm just kidding lah Yijun.

Rawr anyway, I shall reflect on yesterday's games now, so that we can remember what went wrong and work on it to improve! Okay fine I think it's more of for my benefit, cos I quite like noting down what to improve on. Hm but since we have a touchrug blog and all, I shall blog here instead of at my own blog!

I think all in all, we played pretty okay. But oh no, I really think that we should work on our passes to minimise drop balls during games, because drop ball = change of possession = defence / back-five (WASTE ENERGY!!!) = not good = we sad = lose hope and no heart to play cos we're sad = drop more balls because we will now anyhow play and anyhow pass ball = change of possession = defence / back-five ... you get the drift. Haha fine that was a fallacy. Shit but I can't seem to remember what the fallacy is called. Darnnnn, wasted so much time at philo lessons without absorbing anything. Okay fine back to the topic, (hahaha I think I ramble and get distracted a lot): passes. Mm I heard that our passing is really quite bad, so we must work on it together okay!!

Next up, defence! We definately need to work on our line-defence thing, cos sometimes we tend to shoot up / fly (haha to be honest I only learnt that shooting up was called fly yesterday, sorry I'm slow), and if the opponents step us, she'll be stepping all the way. This was done yesterday by the damn pro steppy/stepy/step-py (Stepy?! Steppy?! Step-py?! How to spell ah?!?!?!) girl, and she side-stepped about 4/5 of us :/ Yesyes, so shall work on maintaining our line-defence, because I know for my team we started off with line-defence and then it eventually became .. fly-defence. Shit do you call it fly-defence?! I realise that I'm happily coining my own terms as I type -.-

For attack, we should try to be less kanchiong! Okay that kindof applies greatly to me, cos I get quite kanchiong sometimes. Oh yes and, we should aim to do team tries! Aiyoh I am damn damn guilty of being individualistic, sorry I will try to change this bad habit!! Anyway, we should try switches or loops or splits or whatever we have learnt during training, and apply it during game situations. Haha I know we had attempts, so, nice try nice try people! ((:

Oh yes, and I think our running and stuff was pretty good, considering how super gross the field was! Yucks my socks became brown and I couldn't save them, so I threw them away ): Damn disgusting lah!!

Yaye okay, I am done reflecting!! Like what Fiona said, we should try to get a touchrug tee!! Anyone here artistically-inclined? Please come up with some cool designs or slogans or what! Hahahha I think Fiona's suggestion on getting a mud-coloured tee is damn amusing : D

Wah okay that was quite a long post. Oh yes I admit that I am quite long-winded and talk quite a lot of cock sometimes haha. Ooh btw, take care of your ankle Clara!!! Haha and now I leave you with Yo Momma jokes!! Shit now I think they are damn funny cos of Wong Shiya!!

1) Yo Momma so fat when she goes to Gap the only thing she can fit into is the Dressing Room.
2) Yo Momma so fat she lost a game at hide-and-seek, and only cos I spotted her .. behind Mount Everest.
3) Yo Momma so fat the only thing that's attracted to her is gravity.
4) Yo Momma so fat she was in the Guiness Book of World Records 2006 on pages 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
5) Yo Momma so fat I've known her all my life ... and I still haven't seen ALL of her.

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