Thursday, June 7, 2007

post camp thoughts


hope you guys enjoyed camp, really. even though you were woken up in the most annoying method possible this morning.(x hehehe.

i thought the whole thing ended quite abruptly, actually, and i was feeling kinda sad... =( i mean, i was clearing up after nearly everyone had left & i was just looking at the clean, empty room and it was as if you guys were never there, that it was all a good dream that'd just shut down on me all of a sudden. yeah it was kinda strange. maybe it was the absence of fun team games to wrap up. everyone was too tired i guess. =( and there was no time. oh well.

gotta love the writing on the back thing, right. i think it did miles for all of us. finally gives you the chance to tell people what they mean to you without appearing random or cheesy, and quite uplifting for yourself, too, in reception of others' notes...

you know, i joined rj touch initially just for personal purposes, to learn a new sport, to have fun, to maintain some sort of fitness thru my jc life. i have to admit i couldnt really care much for the emotional and spiritty and teamy aspect then... well, because. i didnt believe i would ever put another team as close to my heart as my old team in scgs. was sure i wouldnt find one. we were so tight. in sec 3 when i was forced to part with them for rgs i cried nearly every night till june.
but i guess i am about to be corrected. i was looking at all of you these two days... laughing at your jokes, whining about you not laughing at mine... openly sharing and receiving feedback on each others' gameplay, talking tactics... and thinking hey, this feels kinda good. today when we played... we played for each other.. (as min pointed out).. and it felt reallyreally nice. i felt like i was doing this for you and you were doing this for me, and the old team-spirit lovey feeling that i'd put away for 2 years resurfaced and it was such a strange thing for me, really, at first... hmmm.

okay amagah errmm. im being longwinded AND cheesysoppy. but it just means alot to me, i guess. tho the camp wasnt as team-bonding-oriented as we'dve liked it to be, it hit me hard lah i guess. just a personal thing. that i thought i'd be a sod and open up and share.


basically. the camp taught me that i love you all. \= yeah. there, i said it. (x that was the key thing i took back. and im now more excited about us than i ever thought i would be. lets cherish this '07 and '08 that we have together, 'cause we're gonna rock each others' lives =) and before we know it, the music will be over.

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